The critically acclaimed stress management RPG Darkest Dungeon finally comes out of Early Access!
Trailer by – Marlon Wiebe
Game by – Red Hook Studios
Audio by – Power Up Audio
Narration by – Wayne June
Music by – Stuart Chatwood
Making Of
I teamed up with the amazing folks at Red Hook Studios and the audio experts at Power Up Audio to craft this intense launch trailer.
For this trailer, I really wanted to incorporate some of Wayne June’s amazing narration into the trailer. I find VO in trailers really ups the story and production values of a trailer and makes it stand out amongst other indie titles.
I started by getting all of Wayne’s narration lines from the game, and all the new tracks from Stuart Chatwood’s incredible soundtrack from the game and just played with them, trying out different combinations until I settled on what you see in the trailer.
Figuring out the flow and how the audio will fit together is really the toughest part! The rest is just filling in the visuals with quotes and gameplay and sending versions to Chris and the guys to see what they think until it’s tight. Then audiomancer Jeff Tangsoc takes my cut and polishes up the audio till it shines. 🙂